Relieve Stress & Tension Through Movement with the Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique teaches you how to become more aware of how your body movements affect the stress and tension levels in your life.
Find the True Source of Your Pain With Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point massage therapy is especially designed and formulated to ease pain by finding the source of the problem through explicit pressure and release patterns.
Hellerwork – Deep Tissue Work to Relieve Pain and Tension
Hellerwork is an integrated system of bodywork, helping to connect and reorganize body alignment through a process of functioning, emotion, body structure and expended energy.
The Trager Approach to Structural Mind and Body Integration
Research is being conducted in the possible uses for Trager work, and many natural healing practitioners are using this therapy to relieve the symptoms of certain conditions and to promote healing.
Feldenkrais Method – Changing Movement Patterns For Health
The Feldenkrais Method was designed to bring a more conscious effort to the way you move and help you develop grace and efficiency in every aspect of your life.
The Push and Pull of Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy is a very popular therapy used to help heal the body and relieve pain and tension associated with injuries or other problems. Unlike many other “hands-on” therapies, Bowen is very gentle in application.